The NSW Department of Education (DoE) Community Languages Schools Program (CLSP)
The resources below will help you to comply with funding requirements and get the most out of this Program. It is important for all committee members (newly appointed and experienced) to be aware of these resources and requirements.

Funding guidelines
Terms and Conditions of Funding
This Terms and Conditions Guidebook can help you to understand your responsibilities if you accept funding under the CLSP. When you sign a Funding Agreement with the DoE, you are committing to the Terms and Conditions of the Agreement. This Terms and Conditions Guidebook is an important starting point for understanding your legal and ethical responsibilities. You also need to review the full Terms and Conditions to ensure you’re fully informed about your commitments.
Important forms
Example forms to enrol students and get consent to collect and share data are provided for your use.
- Enrolment form;
- Permission to Publish Student Photographs and Work;
- Permission to Share Student Info with the DoE - these must be completed by parents each year at enrolment.
Verification of WWCC
After collecting the Working with Children Check (WWCC) numbers from everyone who will work with children in your school, you must verify that these workers are still clear to work with children, BEFORE they start work.
You do this via the Office of the Children's Guardian (OCG) website. You need to register your organisation with the OCG.
If your organisation has already registered, you login here.
You will need to upload your Verification Report from the OCG to the DoE portal every year in January, BEFORE classes begin.
Recording incidents
If there are incidents at your school, like injuries, bullying, or complaints from parents, you should record these in an Incident Register and note the action taken by your school.
Your relationship with your host school
If you are fortunate enough to find a public school (primary or secondary) where you are invited to use a space for no charge, you must nurture your organisation's relationship with this school and you do this through maintaining regular, clear communication with the person at the Host School who looks after community use of their facilities, which could be the school Principal or an admin person.
You need to make sure you have an up-to-date Community Use Agreement with your Host School. Make sure you understand the Terms of this contract. One of the Terms states that: 11.2 Either party may terminate this Agreement at any time by giving the other two week’s notice in writing.
This means that your school can be told to leave with just 2 week's notice if you don't do the right thing and follow the Terms of this contract.
The interviews with Host School Principals in this video highlight how important good communication is for an on-going, positive working relationship.
This guide and checklist can help you to look after the Host School facilities.
Annual minister's awards for excellence
Each year your organisation can nominate one Primary student and one High school student for recognition of their excellent achievements at your school.
Nominations are submitted via the Portal (where grant application are submitted).
A panel assesses each application and awards:
- 10 Minister's Awards
- Highly Commended Awards
- Commended Awards
- Merit Awards.
The top three levels of awards are presented to students at a special ceremony held each year in Sydney, where the NSW Minister for Education presents the 10 Minister's Awards.
It is an honour for a student to receive any level of award for their efforts and achievements in the CLSP.
Community languages ambassador program
Graduates of the CLSP can be nominated by the organisation where they studied, to act as ambassadors for the CLSP. Ambassadors have completed their school education.
Ambassadors participate in CLSP events and give advice to students and parents on the benefits of learning a community language.
Each year, new Ambassadors are announced at the Minister’s Awards.
What can we help you achieve?
Join our community and establish your Community Language School. We provide access to coaching and skills-building to help plan, manage and grow your Community Language School.